Albums & Photographs of the Wilhelm Gustloff - Page 2
Wilhelm Gustloff Return from the Italian World Congress in Rome Cruise Photo Album - Medium Souvenir Album
Voyage #7 - June 29th, 1938 - July 15th, 1938
Souvenir Photos: 68, Voyage Photos: 54 = Total 122
     The unfortunate thing about the Wilhelm Gustloff's voyages is that there is no concrete listing of all 50 trips. Over the course of 3 years, I have compiled what is probably the most complete listing - a full 10 pages - of her trips and dates. As the list stands now - the Gustloff had 358 different Speisekarten over her career, and that's not including the voyages that are missing. It was finally discovered this album is from Voyage #7  since obtaining the set of menus from the same trip.
        This album has several interesting photos of the Gustloff, including photos of the U-28 at sea and along side the liner. This u-boat would later sink at pier due to a mechanical failure. Dr. Ley is also playing shuffleboard on the ship.
     The other nice thing about this album is the author wrote captions to go with every photograph.

Wilhelm Gustloff Norwegian Cruise Photo Album - Small Souvenir Album
Voyage #35 or #36 (Both Norwegian Cruises) - Dated May, 1939
Souvenir Photos: 12, Voyage Photos: 22  = Total 34
     This quaint album has the standard 12 souvenir photos of the Gustloff, and then some interesting views of the fjords and passengers. One photo has the bell on the stern of the Wilhelm Gustloff - an image I have not seen until now. (Photo #10 Below)

Wilhelm Gustloff Norwegian Cruise Photo Album - Blue Album
Voyage #15 - September 4th, 1938 - September 10th, 1938
Voyage Photos: 59
     Another Norwegian Fjord photo album that begins in Hamburg, takes you through the fjords, and back to Hamburg again. This album has one of my favorite images of the Gustloff as she's returning to Hamburg - at far right. Every photograph has a caption written on the back explaining the photo as well.
     Exercising on deck and passengers playing games are big parts of these voyages as evidenced by these next two albums. The end of this album has a few photos of a trip to a zoo, which have been left out of the thumbnail selection. Passengers often photograph other Kraft Durch Freude liners, as in this album they pass the Der Deutsche.

Wilhelm Gustloff Italian Cruise Photo Album - Wood Album
Voyage #29 - February 27th, 1939 - March 9th, 1939
Voyage Photos: 46
     This brown album with wood binding comes from the same family as the blue album above. Captions are also written on the back of all 46 photos, which is how it is known what voyages these albums are from.
     The majority of these photos focus on the land trips (and some very beautiful photos of Venice), but a section in the middle focuses on the games passengers are playing on the Gustloff's Sun Deck. Other photos show a band marching around the lower Promenade Deck and the last photo is the train at the end of the voyage.

Set of 8 Blohm & Voss Builders Photos of the Wilhelm Gustloff

     Seven 9.5" x 7" original builders photos from Blohm & Voss of the Wilhelm Gustloff's interiors. Also included in this collection is a 2 page report on the Gustloff's interior data.
     The two forms included are titled: "Data concerning the Wilhelm Gustloff." They include mainly measurement information for her major exterior parts, i.e. funnel specs, deckspace, lengths, heights, and weights. The second page is information on her public rooms and cabins, along with their measurements as well. If you ever wanted to know how many toliets were onboard the Wilhelm Gustloff, the answer is 145. Her interior spaces were also designed by Woldemar Brinkmann, Bremen.

Wilhelm Gustloff Assorted Photographs

     When I first began the Wilhelm Gustloff Museum website, this was the original stopping point for the Albums and Photographs page. Rather than constantly move this section to the end of this section, I decided to keep it here and continually add images of the Wilhelm Gustloff that I purchased individually over time. ​​A few captions include:

Photo #5 - A Wilhelm Gustloff parade float participating in the 5th KdF parade, Hamburg. July 23rd, 1939.
Photo #30 - ​​​Thea and captain on board the Wilhelm Gustloff
Photo #31 - The Wilhelm Gustloff with the Italian luxury liner S.S. Rex in Naples, Italy. 1939.
Photo #33 - ​​The German battleship Gneisenau in dry dock.
Photo #36 - 2nd Officer Vollert & 4th Officer Kohl on the bridge wing of the Wilhelm Gustloff.​
Two large-scale original photographs of the Wilhelm Gustloff
Both measure 15" x 10"
Wilhelm Gustloff Italian Cruise Photo Album - Large Souvenir Album
Souvenir Photos / Postcards: 92, Voyage Photos: 40 = Total 132

Wilhelm Gustloff Norwegian Cruise Photos - No Album
Voyage #11: August 8th, 1938 - August 12th, 1938
Voyage Photos: 42, Postcards: 4 = Total 46

Postcards and translations can be viewed under the Postcard Page.
Medium Sized 11 x 17cm photograph
Left: Hitler Youth onboard the Wilhelm Gustloff. Did you know the BDM and HJ had their own accommodations on the ship? Cabins for 30 boys and 30 girls with a lounge and their own bathrooms.
A set of six photographs from Italy with the Wilhelm Gustloff, Stuttgart, S.S. Rex, and a Savoia-Marchetti, -probably an S.66 model - taking off or landing by the Gustloff